Physical Therapy Center

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(813) 821-8031

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Neurological Conditions 

Patients who experience neurological diseases or injuries can benefit greatly from physical therapy. Physical therapy following a spinal or brain injury revitalizes many functions that would otherwise be lost: cells not injured can learn to control the functions that have been impaired.

The physical therapy team at USF Health is committed to improving our patients’ quality of life with restorative therapies, which also impact emotional and mental health. Inactivity can drive depression and accelerate other health issues, such as heart disease, lung problems, and diabetes. 

Our physical therapists, who are expertly trained in human movement, can teach our patients to enjoy a rich life that maximizes their full potential and capacity for independent living. For patients with neurological conditions, we offer:

  • Balance and falls evaluation and treatment
  • Concussion treatment
  • Neurological degenerative disorder management
  • Migraine management
  • Multiple sclerosis management
  • Parkinson’s disease management


USF Health Physical Therapy Center
3500 Fletcher Ave. Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33613

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USF Health Making Life Better