Cosmetic and Laser Center

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Sublime-Tightening Treatment

Cosmetics and Laser Center appointments: (813) 821- 8435

Sublime skin tightening treatment is a non-invasive, wrinkle reduction procedure used to tighten areas with mild skin laxity. Sublime employs bipolar radiofrequency and infrared technology to heat the dermis and stimulate collagen production, which results in a more refreshed and youthful appearance. Areas typically treated include the neck, jawline, cheeks, or upper face. Sublime is safe to use on all skin types and can be used in conjunction with other skin care procedures.

Unfortunately, sublime skin care cannot be performed if dermal fillers have been injected into the treatment area within 4 weeks prior to treatment. Our dermatology specialists also recommend that patients with thyroid nodules or a history of thyroid cancers should not be treated with sublime on their neck.

What are the benefits of sublime-tightening treatment?

  • Tighter, more youthful appearance
  • No downtime
  • Softer, smoother skin in the treatment area
  • Safe and effective

What can I expect during and after sublime-tightening treatment?

  • Goggles are used to protect the patient’s eyes and a cool gel creates a barrier to protect the patient’s skin.
  • Slight pressure is felt during treatment.
  • Minimal swelling and redness may be noted immediately post treatment, but will disappear the same day.
  • Multiple treatments are needed to achieve the best results. Treatments are spaced a month apart. Maintenance after initial treatment may range from every 3 to 6 months.


Please note: Cosmetics procedures are not covered by health insurance.


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