Cosmetic and Laser Center

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Chemical Peel

Cosmetics and Laser Center appointments: (813) 821-8435

Chemical peel or exfoliation helps remove the outer, older layer of skin, and allow the next, younger layer to show, offering a finer, smoother appearance.

The peel uses chemical acids such as alpha hydroxy acids. Some acids help loosen your skin cells while others help facilitate the sloughing of the outer layer of the skin.

Meet with our expert cosmetic providers to determine the best type and strength of peel that will give you maximum results.

What are the benefits of clinical peel?

  • Reduces brown spots
  • Improves the texture of the skin
  • Can help improve acne
  • Softer, smoother skin in the treatment area
  • Used to treat face, neck and chest
  • Safe and effective 

What to expect during and after clinical peel?

  • Minimal to no discomfort
  • Mild redness in the treatment area
  • Multiple treatments are needed to achieve the best results
  • Peeling usually begins 2 to 3 days after the peel is applied

Please note: Cosmetics procedures are not covered by health insurance.


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