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Peace Corps Coverdell Fellows Program


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Apply Today!

Serve Your Local Community

All Coverdell Fellows will complete internships in underserved communities in the Tampa Bay region.

Furthering the Peace Corps Mission

By sharing your experiences in communities, you will help fulfill the Peace Corps Third Goal: to promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans.

Financial Support Available

The Peace Corps Coverdell Fellowship program at the USF College of Nursing awards up to $4,000 in scholarship support to returning Peace Corps volunteers who are pursuing a degree in the Accelerated Second Degree (BSN) program, and professional licensure as a Registered Nurse (RN). In addition, Fellows will receive an out-of-state tuition waiver and opportunities to work as a student tutor.

Visit the Benefits & Eligibility page to learn more!

Learn more about Peace Corps Prep, a certificate program for undergraduates.
