BA, Biological Basis of Behavior, University of Pennsylvania, 1981
Recent Publications
Sanguino SM, Dhepyasuwan N, Church A, Dabrow S, Serwint JR, Bernstein HH. Oral Health Promotion During Well Visits.Clinical pediatrics. 56(10) : 894-901, 2017.
Anstey EH, Coulter M, Jevitt CM, Perrin KM, Dabrow S, Klasko-Foster LB, Daley EM. Lactation Consultants'' Perceived Barriers to Providing Professional Breastfeeding Support.Journal of human lactation : official journal of International Lactation Consultant Association. : 890334417726305, 2017.
Bernstein HH, Dhepyasuwan N, Connors K, Volkan K, Serwint JR. Evaluation of a national Bright Futures oral health curriculum for pediatric residents.Academic Pediatrics. 13(2) : 133-9, 2013.
Dembinski K, Gargasz AE, Dabrow S, & Rodriguez L. Three distinct cases of copper deficiency in hospitalized pediatric patients.Clinical Pediatrics. 51(8) : 759-62, 2012.
Dabrow S, Harris E, Maldonado L, & Gereige R. Two perspectives on the educational and administrative roles of the pediatric chief resident.Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 3(1) : 17-20, 2011.
Takagishi J, Dabrow S. Mentorship programs for faculty development in academic general pediatric divisions.International Journal of Pediatrics. 2011: 538616, 2011.
Takagishi J, Christner J, McCoy R, Dabrow S. Lessons learned from pediatric residents on a community pediatrics rotation.Clinical Pediatrics. 45(3) : 239-44, 2006.
Dabrow S, Russell S, Ackley K, Anderson E, Fabri PJ. Combating the stress of residency: one school''s approach.Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 81(5) : 436-9, 2006.
Lejkowski M, Maheshwari A, Calhoun DA, Christensen RD, Skoda-Smith S, Dabrow S. Persistent perianal abscess in early infancy as a presentation of autoimmune neutropenia.Journal of Perinatology: Official Journal of the California Perinatal Association. 23(5) : 428-30, 2003.
Dabrow S, Neal M, Spoto-Cannons A. Radiological case of the month. Hemangioendothelioma of the liver.Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 154(3) : 307-8, 2000.