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* (Pediatrics Physician Profile)

Carol Lilly

Carol Lilly, MD, MPH

Division Chief, College of Medicine Pediatrics

Medical Director, Child Protection Team, Polk, Hardee, Highlands Counties, Department of Pediatrics

Medical Director, CMS Growth Clinic Department of Pediatrics

Contact Info


  • MPH, Public Health, University of South Florida, 1998
  • MD, Medicine, Loyola University, 1987
  • B.S., Biology, Loyola University of Chicago, 1983

Interdisciplinary and Emerging Signature Programs

  • Women & Children's Health

Research Interests

  • Areas of interest include: child abuse
  • children with special health care needs, developmental and behavioral pediatrics, pediatric under nutrition, and
  • professional education.
  • Current activities involve:
  • 1. Development of Statewide Infant Physical Abuse Prevention Program
  • 2. Study of a parent mediated positive behavioral support program for young children with challenging behaviors, training pediatricians to incorporate positive behavioral support strategies into practice
  • 3. Impact of Child Abuse on development (risk and resilience factors, interventions)
  • 4. The impact of sleep disturbance on behavior and development,
  • 5. Mediators of undernutrition in young children


  • Best Doctors in America - 2010
  • Best Doctors in America (1 - 2002)


  • member (American Professional Society for Abused Children, 2007 - Present)
  • Member (Academic Pediatrics Association, 1998 - Present)
  • member (Florida Chapter Amercian Academy of Pediatrics, 1996 - Present)
  • Member (American Academy of Pediatrics, 1990 - Present)
  • District V Regional Representative (Florida Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics, 2002 - 2004)
  • President (Hillsborough County Pediatric Society, 2001 - 2003)
  • District V Alternate Regional Representative (Florida Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics, 2000 - 2002)

Recent Publications

  • Armstrong, K., PhD, Curtiss, H., M.A., Salinas, A., Lilly, C. M. 7 American Psychological Association International Conference. , 2009.
  • Armstrong, K., PhD, NCSP, Kohler, William, MD, Lilly, C. The Young and the Restless: A Pediatrician''s Guide to Managing Sleep Problems Contemporary Pediatrics. 26(3) : 28-36, 2009.
  • Curtiss, H., Armstrong, K. & Lilly, C. Positive behavior support and pediatric feeding problems: A case study. Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology. 4: 95-109, 2008.
  • Jillian L. Williams, Kathleen Armstrong, and Carol M. Lilly. 6 Pediatric Academic Society Meeting. (E-PAS2008: 5795.9.) , 2008.
  • Carol M. Lilly, Kyle Popkave, Kathleen Armstrong. 4 Pediatric Academic Society Meeting. (E-PAS2008: 5795.2.) , 2008.
  • Lilly, C.M., MD, MPH, Gooden, C.E., MSII, Armstrong, K., PhD. Pediatric Academic Society Abstracts. (E-PAS2008: 5794.4.) , 2008.
  • Carol Lilly, Kathleen Armstrong, Heather Curtiss. 3 Pediatric Academic Society Meeting. (E-PAS2007: 6526) , 2007.
  • Hauser KW, Lilly CM, Frías JL. Florida health care providers'' knowledge of folic acid for the prevention of neural tube defects. Southern medical journal. 97(5) : 437-9, 2004.
  • Hauser, K., MBA, Lilly, C., MD, MPH, Frias, J., MD,. Florida Health Care Provider Knowledge of Folic Acid for the Prevention of Neural Tube Defects Southern Medical Journal. 97(5) : 37-39, 2004.
  • Lisa R. Bulkow, MS*, Rosalyn J. Singleton, MD*, , Ruth A. Karron, MD and Lee H. Harrison, MD & the Alaska RSV Study Group: Alaska RSV Study Group: Patricia Martinez, Donna Brown, Carol Lilly, Elizabeth Hughes, and Doris Bonilla, Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corp, Bethel, Alaska; Risk Factors for Severe Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection Among Alaska Native Children PEDIATRICS. 109(2) : 210-216, 2002.
  • Lilly, C.M., M.D., MPH, Hauser, K., Jahrsdorfer, C., R.N., Williams, C., M.D., Frias, J., M.D. 1 American College of Preventive Medicine. , 2001.
  • Lilly, C.M., M.D., MPH, Hauser, K., Frias, J., M.D. 2 Pediatric Academic Society. , 2001.
  • Singleton, RJ., M.D., Peterson, K.M., Berner, J.E.,, Schulte, E., Chiu, K., Lilly, C.M.,M.D., Hughes, E.A., Bulkow, L.R.., Nix, T.L. Hospitalizations for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in Alaska Native Children Pediatric Infectious Disease J. 14(1): 26-30, 1995.
  • Singleton, R.J., M.D., Davidson, N.M., R.N., Desmet, I.J., R.N., Berner, J.E., M.D., Wainwright, R.B., M.D., D. TM. & H., Bulkow L.R., M.S., Lilly, C. M., M.D., Siber, G.R., M.D. Decline of Hemophilus Influenzae Type B Disease in a Region of High Risk: Impact of Passive and Active Immunizations. Pediatric Infectious Disease J. 13(5): 362-367, 1994.
  • Fahey, P., M.D., Kirchgessner, C., Lilly, C., Vandrewaarg, C., R.R.T. Survival Rate in Patients with Hematologic Malignancy Requiring Mechanical Ventilation. Respiratory Care. 30(10): 874-875, 1985.

Positions Held

  • Division Chief (Child Development Department of Pediatrics College of Medicine, University of South Florida 2001 - 2010)
  • Assistant Professor (Department of Pediatrics College of Medicine, University of South Florida 1995 - 2007)
  • Medical Director (Hillsborough County Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Project; Department of Pediatrics, University of South Florida 1997 - 1999)
  • President, Medical Staff (Yukon Kuskokwim Regional Health Corporation, Alaska Native Medical Service 1992 - 1994)