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MEL 9999-P Independent Study in Pathology

To provide students with the opportunity to be exposed to current issued in pathobiology, including ovarian cancer biology, advanced cell signaling and tumor genetics.

  • Graduate Students CMS, Ph.D 

Each course is four weeks in length, 44 hours per week.

BMS 7661 Research in Pathology

To teach the basic principles of investigative work with emphasis on:

  1. Formulation of a specific hypothesis;
  2. Critical analysis of pertinent literature;
  3. Development of an appropriate experimental design to test the hypothesis;
  4. Appreciation of methodological limitations and pitfalls
  5. Analysis and interpretation of experimental data.

The student will conduct investigative work in human or experimental pathology under the supervision of the senior investigator. These studies will use primarily morphologic and biochemical techniques with human materials or disease models pertaining to inflammation, degeneration, neoplasia, immunopathology, reproductive biology and pathology, pulmonary pathobiology, or metabolic disorders.

BMS 7663 Pathologic Anatomy

To strengthen students in the areas of anatomical pathology relevant to the practice of Pathology. The student will perform autopsies and examine surgical specimens under supervision. The student is expected to attend all Pathology conferences and the Mortality and Morbidity conferences. Particular attention will be given to clinico-pathological correlation.

BMS 7664 Flexible Elective in Pathology

To provide experience regarding the practice of Pathology for those students considering a career in Pathology. Partial credit for certain specialty boards may be obtained for this elective. This program is flexibly designed to accommodate students wishing to have an elective in a subspecialty of either Anatomical or Clinical Pathology. He/she will be expected to attend all Pathology Conferences. Particular attention will be given to clinico-pathological correlation relating to the desired subspecialty. This program is offered at the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital and is flexibly designed to accommodate students wishing to have an elective in a subspecialty of either Anatomical or Clinical Pathology. The student will be expected to become familiar with laboratory testing techniques, but clinico-pathological correlation with current case material will be stressed. The student will be expected to attend all Pathology Conferences.

BMS 7666 Clinical Cytopathology

Introduces students to the principles used by the cytopathologist to recognize normal and abnormal biologic rocesses (hormonal states, infectious diseases, neoplasia) through the examination of cellular specimens obtained from a variety of body sites. Major emphasis will be placed on clinical-cytologic correlations. Students will review selected cytologic specimens during regular "sign-out" sessions.

BMS 7667 Elective in Laboratory Medicine

Acquaints the student with appropriate technical and interpretative laboratory information important to the practice of medicine. Current economic emphasis places even greater importance on the proper use of the laboratory by the physician. The student will participate under supervision in several areas of the Clinical Laboratory (of his/her choice such as clinical chemistry, microbiology, hematology, etc.). The student will have the opportunity to work closely with the senior and resident staff. Major concentration will be on appropriate interpretative laboratory tests. The student will be expected to attend pathology conferences.

BMS 7668 Forensic Pathology

To teach the basic principles:

  1. correlation of autopsy findings with clinical information and information derived from scene investigations
  2. completion of death certificates in a manner acceptable to the Office of Vital Statistics and the World Health Organization
  3. of anatomy pertinent to future clinical practice specialty of the student
  4. of working relationships between forensic pathologists and other professionals, including those in law enforcement, the Office of the State Attorney, the defense bar, the funeral industry, the press and other medical specialties.

The student will assist with autopsies on the bodies of persons dead from suicide, accident and natural disease, by performing dissections and medical chart review under the supervision of staff pathologists, review pertinent medical literature for selected cases, accompany staff during testimony under oath at criminal and civil trials and at depositions, accompany staff during death scene investigations (evening and night call-out optional), participate in departmental conferences (a working case conference thrice weekly, a pending (cause-of-death opinion deferred to further study) case conference weekly, a photo review conference weekly, and a fixed brain and heart cutting conference weekly), investigate deaths referred for approval of cremation and shipment out-of-state by evaluating death certificates prepared by private physicians and performing telephone follow-up, present an informal talk on a topic of personal interest related to autopsy pathology or anatomy for extra credit.