Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine Division
With numerous sports teams and weather which supports activity year-round, Tampa is the ideal location for those interested in Sports Medicine. In 2023, our Department established a formal Sports Medicine Division, led by Dr. John Kiel. The Division is composed of 3 full-time, fellowship trained emergency physicians who work in the ED providing invaluable hands-on instruction to our residents. Beyond acute injuries, this team plays a crucial role in comprehensive care, including operating a Sports Medicine follow-up clinic. In addition, this year our group is expanding to provide post-concussion care in the outpatient setting. Our goal is to bridge the gap between sports medicine and emergency care ensuring that our residents are competent, and our patients receive the best care possible. Residents have the opportunity to work with our Sports Medicine faculty on shift in the ED and in Sports Med clinic. Residents learn skills and procedural techniques that they can bring back to the ED setting. If you’re looking for a program that is leading the way in Sports Medicine or you’re simply interested in being well-trained in musculoskeletal conditions - USF is the place to be!