Clinical Trials
The USF Health Neuroscience Institute (NSI) is committed to bridging innovative discoveries in research to treatments that directly impact patients. Clinical Trials, also known as Translational Research, are strictly supervised and guided by protocols that meet rigorous safety standards of the University and any sponsoring industry companies.
There are strong ethical considerations which our faculty routinely discuss prior to enrolling any potential study into the NSI—and before any patient is recruited. Regardless of what we offer, patients should be aware of their rights and expectations.
Clinical Trials are typically administered by a team that includes a clinician (e.g. physician), support staff (e.g. nurses, coordinators, etc.) and sometimes, a bench researcher. At the USF Health NSI, we are currently offering clinical trials that cover a range of diseases.
For general clinical trial questions you and your family should consider, please visit Psychiatry & Behavioral Neurosciences Clinical Trials.