BA, British Literature, Transylvania University, 1984
Interdisciplinary and Emerging Signature Programs
Allergy, Immunology & Infectious Disease
Biomedical Engineering & Nanomedicine
Neurodegenerative Disease
Research Interests
Clinical, Therapeutic and Translational Research in Neuromuscular, Neurodegenerative and Neuroimmunological Disease. Human and Animal Electrophysiology. Motor Unit Function and Compensation in Health and Disease.
Specific Disease Areas: Motor Neuron Diseases and ALS, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Neuropathies, Neuroimmunological Disorders of Nerve and Muscle, Myasthenia Gravis and Neuromuscular Junction Disorders, Nerve Injury and Entrapment
Top Doctor 2015 (U.S. News and World Report and Castle Connolly - 2015)
Top Doctor 2014 (U.S. News and World Report and Castle Connolly - 2014)
Top Doctor 2013 (U.S. News and World Report and Castle Connolly - 2013)
Top Doctor 2012 (U.S. News and World Report and Castle Connolly - 2012)
Stanley H. Appel Distinguished Lecturer, 2009 (The Methodist Neurological Institute - 2009)
National Institute of Health (NIH)-National Institute on Aging (NIA) ASTRA Pearls Lecture (NIH and Johns Hopkins - 2004)
Distinguished Achievement Award (Transylvania University - 2001)
Outstanding Faculty Leadership Award (Baylor College of Medicine, Dept. of Neurology - 1999)
Outstanding Faculty Leadership Award (Baylor College of Medicine Neurology - 1999)
Recent Publications
Gooch C, Shy M. Hereditary motor neuropathy and heat shock proteins: a shocking transformation.Neurology. 71(21) : 1656-7, 2008.
Gooch C. The state of academic neurology departments in the United States, 2016: A national survey.Neurology. 89(6) : 524-525, 2017.
Zesiewicz TA, Stephenson JB, Kim SH, Sullivan KL, Jahan I, Huang Y, Salemi JL, Wecker L, Shaw JD, Gooch CL. Longitudinal gait and balance decline in Friedreich''s Ataxia: A pilot study.Gait & posture. 55: 25-30, 2017.
Gooch CL. The canaries in the coal mine: mune and munix in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.Muscle & nerve. 56(2) : 183-184, 2017.
Gooch CL. How Can We Pay the Piper? IBM and the High Price of a Longer Life.Muscle & nerve. , 2017.
Gooch CL. Reply to "mitigating the burden of neurological disease".Annals of neurology. 82(2) : 315-316, 2017.
Gooch CL, Pracht E, Borenstein AR. The burden of neurological disease in the United States: A summary report and call to action.Annals of neurology. 81(4) : 479-484, 2017.
de Carvalho M, Gooch CL. The yin and yang of gastrostomy in the management of ALS: Friend or foe?Neurology. 89(14) : 1435-1436, 2017.
Plowman EK Tabor LC Robison R Gaziano J Dion C Watts SA Vu T Gooch . Discriminant ability of the Eating Assessment Tool-10 to detect aspiration in individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.Neurogastroenterology and Motility. 28(1) : 85-90, 2016.
Dalakas MC, Gooch C. Close to the node but far enough: What nodal antibodies tell us about CIDP and its therapies.Neurology. , 2016.
Gorson KC, Gooch CL. The (mis)diagnosis of CIDP: The high price of missing the mark.Neurology. 85(6) : 488-9, 2015.
Stephenson J, Zesiewicz T, Gooch C, Wecker L, Sullivan K, Jahan I, Kim SH. Gait and balance in adults with Friedreich''s ataxia.Gait & posture. 41(2) : 603-7, 2015.
Gorson KC & Gooch CL. The (mis)diagnosis of CIDP: The high price of missing the mark.Neurology. 85(6) : 488-9, 2015.
Burns TM, Smith GA, Allen JA, Amato AA, Arnold WD, Barohn R, Benatar M, Bird SJ, Bromberg M, Chahin N, Ciafaloni E, Cohen JA, Corse A, Crum BA, David WS, Dimberg E, De Sousa EA, Donofrio PD, Dyck PJ, Engel AG, Ensrud ER, Ferrante M, Freimer M, Gable KL, Gibson S, Gilchrist JM, Goldstein JM, Gooch CL, Goodman BP, Gorelov D, Gospe SM, Goyal NA, Guidon AC, Guptill JT, Gutmann L, Gutmann L, Gwathmey K, Harati Y, Harper CM, Hehir MK, Hobson-Webb LD, Howard JF, Jackson CE, Johnson N, Jones SM, Juel VC, Kaminski HJ, Karam C, Kennelly KD, Khella S, Khoury J, Kincaid JC, Kissel JT, Kolb N, Lacomis D, Ladha S, Larriviere D, Lewis RA, Li Y, Litchy WJ, Logigian E, Lou JS, MacGowen DJ, Maselli R, Massey JM, Mauermann ML, Mathews KD, Meriggioli MN, Miller RG, Moon JS, Mozaffar T, Nations SP, Nowak RJ, Ostrow LW, Pascuzzi RM, Peltier A, Ruzhansky K, Richman DP, Ross MA, Rubin DI, Russell JA, Sachs GM, Salajegheh MK, Saperstein DS, Scelsa S, Selcen D, Shaibani A, Sheih PB, Silvestri NJ, Singleton JR, Smith BE, So YT, Solorzano G, Sorenson EJ, Srinivasen J, Tavee J, Tawil R, Thaisetthawatkul P, Thornton C, Trivedi J, Vernino S, Wang AK, Webb TA, Weiss MD, Windebank AJ, Wolfe GI. Editorial by concerned physicians: Unintended effect of the Orphan Drug Act on the potential cost of 3,4-diaminopyridine.Muscle & nerve. , 2015.
Gooch CL, Doherty TJ, Chan KM, Bromberg MB, Lewis RA, Stashuk DW, Berger MJ, Andary MT, Daube JR. Reflections on motor unit number estimation (Reply).Muscle & nerve. : 624, 2015.
Rose DZ, Guerrero WR, Mokin MV, Gooch CL, Bozeman AC, Pearson JM, Burgin WS. Hemorrhagic stroke following use of the synthetic marijuana "spice".Neurology. 85(13) : 1177-9, 2015.
Eve DJ, Ehrhart J, Zesiewicz T, Jahan I, Kuzmin-Nichols N, Sanberg CD, Gooch C, Sanberg PR, Garbuzova-Davis S. Plasma Derived from Human Umbilical Cord Blood Modulates Mitogen-Induced Proliferation Of Mononuclear Cells Isolated from the Peripheral Blood of ALS Patients.Cell transplantation. , 2015.
Ehrhart J, Smith AJ, Kuzmin-Nichols N, Zesiewicz TA, Jahan I, Shytle RD, Kim SH, Sanberg CD, Vu TH, Gooch CL, Sanberg PR, Garbuzova-Davis S. Humoral factors in ALS patients during disease progression.Journal of neuroinflammation. 12: 127, 2015.
Plowman EK, Watts SA, Tabor L, Robison R, Gaziano J, Domer AS, Richter J, Vu T, Gooch C. Impact of expiratory strength training in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.Muscle & nerve. , 2015.
14, Zesiewicz TA Kim SH Sullivan KL Stephenson J Jahan I Perlman SL Shaw JD Vu T Gooch C. Treatment of neurodegenerative ataxias with intravenous immune globulinJournal of Neurology Research. 4(4) : 97-1000, 2014.
Freeman WD, Louh IK, Gooch CL, Freeman MJ, Rose DZ, Burgin WS. Ischemic stroke after use of the synthetic marijuana "spice".Neurology. 83(8) : 772-3, 2014.
Kang PB, Gooch CL, McDermott MP, Darras BT, Finkel RS, Yang ML, Sproule DM, Chung WK, Kaufmann P, de Vivo DC. The motor neuron response to SMN1 deficiency in spinal muscular atrophy.Muscle & nerve. 49(5) : 636-44, 2014.
Filosto M, Mancuso M, Nishigaki Y, Pancrudo J, Harati Y, Gooch C, Mankodi A, Bayne L, Bonilla E, Shanske S, Hirano M, DiMauro S. Clinical and genetic heterogeneity in progressive external ophthalmoplegia due to mutations in polymerase gamma.Archives of neurology. 60(9) : 1279-84, 2003.
Shefner JM, Gooch CL. Motor unit number estimation.Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America. 14(2) : 243-60, 2003.
Azrieli Y, Weimer L, Lovelace R, Gooch C. The utility of segmental nerve conduction studies in ulnar mononeuropathy at the elbow.Muscle & nerve. 27(1) : 46-50, 2003.
Gordon PH, Gooch CL, Greene PE. Extensor digitorum brevis test and resistance to botulinum toxin type A.Muscle & nerve. 26(6) : 828-31, 2002.
Gooch CL. Motor unit number estimation: pro.Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other motor neuron disorders : official publication of the World Federation of Neurology, Research Group on Motor Neuron Diseases. 3 Suppl 1: S93-4, 2002.
Weimer LH, Yin J, Lovelace RE, Gooch CL. Serial studies of carpal tunnel syndrome during and after pregnancy.Muscle & nerve. 25(6) : 914-7, 2002.
Sacconi S, Salviati L, Gooch C, Bonilla E, Shanske S, DiMauro S. Complex neurologic syndrome associated with the G1606A mutation of mitochondrial DNA.Archives of neurology. 59(6) : 1013-5, 2002.
Trojaborg W, Kaufmann P, Gooch CL. Motor Unit Estimate Number in the Anterior Tibial Muscle: Normative Data versus Findings in Critically Ill Patients in Intensive Care Units.Journal of clinical neuromuscular disease. 3(4) : 139-42, 2002.
Shefner JM, Gooch CL. Motor unit number estimation in neurologic disease.Advances in neurology. 88: 33-52, 2002.
Gooch CL, Mosier DR. Stimulated single fiber electromyography in the mouse: techniques and normative data.Muscle & nerve. 24(7) : 941-5, 2001.
Gooch CL, Harati Y. Motor unit number estimation, ALS and clinical trials.Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other motor neuron disorders : official publication of the World Federation of Neurology, Research Group on Motor Neuron Diseases. 1(2) : 71-82, 2000.
Daube JR, Gooch C, Shefner J, Olney R, Felice K, Bromberg M. Motor unit number estimation (MUNE) with nerve conduction studies.Supplements to Clinical neurophysiology. 53: 112-5, 2000.
Harati Y, Gooch C, Swenson M, Edelman SV, Greene D, Raskin P, Donofrio P, Cornblath D, Olson WH, Kamin M. Maintenance of the long-term effectiveness of tramadol in treatment of the pain of diabetic neuropathy.Journal of diabetes and its complications. 14(2) : 65-70, 2000.
Nagamitsu S, Matsuura T, Khajavi M, Armstrong R, Gooch C, Harati Y, Ashizawa T. A "dystrophic" variant of autosomal recessive myotonia congenita caused by novel mutations in the CLCN1 gene.Neurology. 55(11) : 1697-703, 2000.
Harati Y, Gooch C, Swenson M, Edelman S, Greene D, Raskin P, Donofrio P, Cornblath D, Sachdeo R, Siu CO, Kamin M. Double-blind randomized trial of tramadol for the treatment of the pain of diabetic neuropathy.Neurology. 50(6) : 1842-6, 1998.
Finkel RS, McDermott MP, Kaufmann P, Darras BT, Chung WK, Sproule DM, Kang PB, Foley AR, Yang ML, Martens WB, Oskoui M, Glanzman AM, Flickinger J, Montes J, Dunaway S, O''Hagen J, Quigley J, Riley S, Benton M, Ryan PA, Montgomery M, Marra J, Gooch C, De Vivo DC. Observational study of spinal muscular atrophy type I and implications for clinical trials.Neurology. 83(9) : 810-7, 2014.
Gooch CL. Repetitive axonal stimulation of the same single motor unit: a longitudinal tracking study.Muscle & nerve. 21(11) : 1537-9, 1998.
Kang PB, Gooch CL, McDermott MP, Darras BT, Finkel RS, Yang ML, Sproule DM, Chung WK, Kaufmann P, De Vivo DC. The motor neuron response to SMN1 deficiency in spinal muscular atrophy (Reply).Muscle & nerve. 50(3) : 458-9, 2014.
Shaibani A, Gooch C, Harati Y. Moving toes and myoclonus associated with hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy (HNPP).Muscle & nerve. 20(7) : 881-3, 1997.
Gooch CL, Harati Y. Longitudinal tracking of the same single motor unit in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.Muscle & nerve. 20(4) : 511-3, 1997.
Gooch CL, Doherty TJ, Chan KM, Bromberg MB, Lewis RA, Stashuk DW, Berger MJ, Andary MT, Daube JR. Motor unit number estimation: a technology and literature review.Muscle & nerve. 50(6) : 884-93, 2014.
Gooch CL, Freeman MJ, Rose DZ, Burgin WS. Ischemic stroke after use of the synthetic marijuana "spice" (REPLY).Neurology. 83(8) : 773, 2014.
Butler DL, Dyment NA, Shearn JT, Kinneberg KR, Breidenbach AP, Lalley AL, Gilday SD, Gooch C, Rao MB, Liu CF, Wylie C. Evolving strategies in mechanobiology to more effectively treat damaged musculoskeletal tissues.Journal of biomechanical engineering. 135(2) : 020301, 2013.
Freeman MJ, Rose DZ, Myers MA, Gooch CL, Bozeman AC, Burgin WS. Ischemic stroke after use of the synthetic marijuana "spice".Neurology. 81(24) : 2090-3, 2013.
26, Kobayashi DT Shi J Stephen L Ballard KL Dewey R Mapes J Chung B McCarthy K Swoboda KJ Crawford TO Li R Plasterer T Joyce C; Biomarkers for Spinal Muscular Atrophy Study Group Chung WK Kaufmann P Darras BT Finkel RS Sproule DM Martens WB McDermott MP De Vivo DC; Pediatric Neuromuscular Clinical Research Network (Gooch CL Collaborator) Walker MG Chen K. SMA-MAP: a plasma protein panel for spinal muscular atrophy.PLoS One. 8(4) : e60113, 2013.
Kaufmann P, McDermott MP, Darras BT, Finkel RS, Sproule DM, Kang PB, Oskoui M, Constantinescu A, Gooch CL, Foley AR, Yang ML, Tawil R, Chung WK, Martens WB, Montes J, Battista V, O''Hagen J, Dunaway S, Flickinger J, Quigley J, Riley S, Glanzman AM, Benton M, Ryan PA, Punyanitya M, Montgomery MJ, Marra J, Koo B, De Vivo DC. Prospective cohort study of spinal muscular atrophy types 2 and 3.Neurology. 79(18) : 1889-97, 2012.
Gooch CL, Doherty TJ. The equations of life and death: tales told by motor unit number estimation.Neurology. 77(3) : 208-9, 2011.
Gooch, Clifton L.|Amato, Anthony A. Are anti-ganglioside antibodies of clinical value in multifocal motor neuropathy?Neurology. 75(22) : 1950-1, 2010.
Gooch CL, Pullman SL, Shungu DC, Uluğ AM, Chane S, Gordon PH, Tang MX, Mao X, Rowland LP, Mitsumoto H. Motor unit number estimation (MUNE) in diseases of the motor neuron: utility and comparative analysis in a multimodal biomarker study.Supplements to Clinical neurophysiology. 60: 153-62, 2009.
Zesiewicz TA, Sullivan KL, Gooch CL, Lynch DR. Subjective improvement in proprioception in 2 patients with atypical Friedreich ataxia treated with varenicline (Chantix).Journal of clinical neuromuscular disease. 10(4) : 191-3, 2009.
Ropper AH, Gorson KC, Gooch CL, Weinberg DH, Pieczek A, Ware JH, Kershen J, Rogers A, Simovic D, Schratzberger P, Kirchmair R, Losordo D. Vascular endothelial growth factor gene transfer for diabetic polyneuropathy: a randomized, double-blinded trial.Annals of neurology. 65(4) : 386-93, 2009.
Zesiewicz TA, Sullivan KL, Gooch CL. Red flags to spot the parkinsonian variant of multiple system atrophy.Nature clinical practice. Neurology. 4(11) : 596-7, 2008.
Gooch CL, Weimer LH. The electrodiagnosis of neuropathy: basic principles and common pitfalls.Neurologic clinics. 25(1) : 1-28, 2007.
Mitsumoto H, Ulug AM, Pullman SL, Gooch CL, Chan S, Tang MX, Mao X, Hays AP, Floyd AG, Battista V, Montes J, Hayes S, Dashnaw S, Kaufmann P, Gordon PH, Hirsch J, Levin B, Rowland LP, Shungu DC. Quantitative objective markers for upper and lower motor neuron dysfunction in ALS.Neurology. 68(17) : 1402-10, 2007.
Kaufmann P, Engelstad K, Wei Y, Jhung S, Sano MC, Shungu DC, Millar WS, Hong X, Gooch CL, Mao X, Pascual JM, Hirano M, Stacpoole PW, DiMauro S, De Vivo DC. Dichloroacetate causes toxic neuropathy in MELAS: a randomized, controlled clinical trial.Neurology. 66(3) : 324-30, 2006.
Lange DJ, Weimer LH, Trojaborg W, Lovelace RE, Gooch CL, Rowland LP. Multifocal motor neuropathy with conduction block: slow but not benign.Archives of neurology. 63(12) : 1778-81, 2006.
Kaufmann P, Pascual JM, Anziska Y, Gooch CL, Engelstad K, Jhung S, DiMauro S, De Vivo DC. Nerve conduction abnormalities in patients with MELAS and the A3243G mutation.Archives of neurology. 63(5) : 746-8, 2006.
Stubblefield MD, Vahdat LT, Balmaceda CM, Troxel AB, Hesdorffer CS, Gooch CL. Glutamine as a neuroprotective agent in high-dose paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy: a clinical and electrophysiologic study.Clinical oncology (Royal College of Radiologists (Great Britain)). 17(4) : 271-6, 2005.
Rong LL, Gooch C, Szabolcs M, Herold KC, Lalla E, Hays AP, Yan SF, Yan SS, Schmidt AM. RAGE: a journey from the complications of diabetes to disorders of the nervous system - striking a fine balance between injury and repair.Restorative neurology and neuroscience. 23(5-6) : 355-65, 2005.
Gooch CL, Mitten DJ. Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: is there a role for local corticosteroid injection?Neurology. 64(12) : 2006-7, 2005.
Rong LL, Yan SF, Wendt T, Hans D, Pachydaki S, Bucciarelli LG, Adebayo A, Qu W, Lu Y, Kostov K, Lalla E, Yan SD, Gooch C, Szabolcs M, Trojaborg W, Hays AP, Schmidt AM. RAGE modulates peripheral nerve regeneration via recruitment of both inflammatory and axonal outgrowth pathways.FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 18(15) : 1818-25, 2004.
Rong LL, Trojaborg W, Qu W, Kostov K, Yan SD, Gooch C, Szabolcs M, Hays AP, Schmidt AM. Antagonism of RAGE suppresses peripheral nerve regeneration.FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 18(15) : 1812-7, 2004.
Gooch C, Podwall D. The diabetic neuropathies.The neurologist. 10(6) : 311-22, 2004.
Gooch CL, Shefner JM. ALS surrogate markers. MUNE.Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other motor neuron disorders : official publication of the World Federation of Neurology, Research Group on Motor Neuron Diseases. 5 Suppl 1: 104-7, 2004.
Mitsumoto H, Gordon P, Kaufmann P, Gooch CL, Przedborski S, Rowland LP. Randomized control trials in ALS: lessons learned.Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other motor neuron disorders : official publication of the World Federation of Neurology, Research Group on Motor Neuron Diseases. 5 Suppl 1: 8-13, 2004.
Alexianu ME, Gooch CL. Advances in neuromuscular disease 2003: the year in review.Journal of clinical neuromuscular disease. 5(4) : 169-75, 2004.
Podwall D, Gooch C. Diabetic neuropathy: clinical features, etiology, and therapy.Current neurology and neuroscience reports. 4(1) : 55-61, 2004.