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Huntington's Disease Center of Excellence at USF


Mission Statement

“The mission of the USF Huntington Disease Center is to journey with people affected by HD by providing clinical care and support while engaging in clinical research to advance treatments and understanding of HD.”

Our Center

The Huntington's Disease Center of Excellence at USF was established by Dr. Sanchez-Ramos in the late 1990s and has been recognized as an HDSA Center of Excellence since 2005. Our clinic serves patients throughout the state of Florida, providing multidisciplinary clinical care, genetic counseling and testing, community education, and clinical research.  

Huntington Disease

Huntington disease is a hereditary, progressive neurological condition that causes a combination of problems with movement, behavior, and cognition. This condition is named after a physician named George Huntington, who presented in 1872 cases of several families he saw in his practice in Long Island, New York, with chorea (involuntary, jerky or flowing movements). The causative gene (HTT) was discovered in 1993 after an international collaborative research effort studied a large population of affected families in Venezuela over many years.