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Educational Programs at the CREN

Educational Programs at the CREN

CREN Research Support

The health of our nation’s people depends on the quality of our research institutions. Excellence in science requires a huge commitment of time, money and people’s efforts, and the application of new technologies to healthcare is one of the cornerstones of a great research community such as that at the University of South Florida.

In this rapidly changing world, we cannot afford to let others surpass us in the areas of medical research and technology, especially in nanotechnology, which has virtually limitless applicability in so many areas.

The CREN research program focuses on nanomedicine, tissue engineering and cell technologies, with the intent of developing innovative diagnostic and therapeutic products. The Center will fund ongoing research projects that have the potential to become multi-investigator programs. The Center will also give grants for innovative peer-reviewed pilot proposals that have strong likelihood of being funded at the Federal level in the near future.

CREN Educational Training and Student Opportunities

The importance of training the new generation of scientists in this country is emphasized by the sometimes dismal statistics of the declining numbers of students opting for scientific careers, the ‘dumbing-down’ of our country’s scientific literacy and the low achievement in math and science of our high school students relative to those of other countries.

The creation of a center for nanotech research with its nucleus of highly motivated and dedicated scientists, innovative and exciting research projects and the best available equipment and personnel will engender a comparable excitement and thirst for knowledge in the students participating in the program. It is expected that the development of translational projects and clinical applications by CREN faculty and nanomedicine researchers from different colleges and institutes will promote education in nanotechnology and its application to basic and clinical medicine for students and post-doctoral trainees.

The Center will also conduct a 10-week summer course for students who are interested in doing summer research projects. Furthermore, the Center plans to conduct an annual nanotechnology symposium in a specific medically relevant area, which will bring together scientists from all over the U.S. as well as the state of Florida.

Example is the best teacher, and the CREN strives to become the premier example of an active research community focused on application of basic research, inculcation of the best principles of scientific endeavor and the development of creative solutions for the new healthcare needs of our country. Students who elect to join the CREN team can expect to receive the most comprehensive training available in the basic knowledge of the field, the skills needed to communicate well, and the highest degree of creativity combined with critical thinking.

  • The Master of Science degree in Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology is designed to train students in the skills they will need to understand the burgeoning technological advances in science at the nanoscale and how new nanomaterials and processes can be applied to drug delivery, diagnosis, treatment monitoring, tissue regeneration, personalized medicine and more. Nanopharmacy and nanomedicine is a unique interdisciplinary science that integrates the knowledge of natural sciences and engineering with pharmacy and medicine to develop nanopharmaceuticals. The program is a total of 32 credit hours and allows students to select an academic track: General Track (core requirements + capstone course), Entrepreneurship Track (core requirements + internship + capstone course), or Research Track (core requirements + thesis).

    Program Concentrations

    In addition to the tracks mentioned above, the M.S. in Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology degree offers two unique concentrations:  

    • Biomedical Engineering - This concentration is intended for applicants who predominantly have a pharmaceutical nanotechnology interest, but who also wish to take graduate courses in Biomedical Engineering to gain understanding of the nanosciences and nanotechnology applications from an engineering perspective. Courses include biomedical engineering, basic science anatomy and physiology, and biostatistics. 
    • Drug Discovery, Development, Delivery & Manufacturing (D4M) - This concentration will allow students to purse a high-impact career path while developing a unique skill set in the cutting-edge area of nanotechnology. This program will bring together a cohesive program of study for students interested in entering the pharmaceutical industry as it focuses on the areas of D4M.  Courses include nanotechnology and risk management, drug discovery and frontier, and principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. 

    Program Advantages

    • Can be completed 100% online, face to face, or in a hybrid format 
    • Total of 32 credit hours 
    • Fall & Spring entry terms 
    • Flexible Curriculum 
    • Can be completed in as little as 1 year
    • Limited number of merit based scholarships available to newly admitted students 
  • If you are not ready to commit to a master’s program, consider earning a specialized graduate-level certificate. A graduate certificate may be a better option if you want to advance your sills and improve your competitiveness in the job market, or if you have completed undergraduate coursework yet feel you need a stronger academic foundation to be more competitive in applying to pharmacy or medical school.

    The College of Pharmacy offers certificates in:

    • NanoPharmaceutics
    • Pre-Professional Pharmacy
    • Teaching in Pharmacy
    • Pharmacy Update and Practice Management
    • Pharmacy Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Management
  • New Advancements in Nanotechnology Organization (NANO) is a student organization that aims to educate the student body about the new technological advancements in the field of Nanotechnology. This student organization brings light to a new scientific technology that is heavily impacting the pharmaceutical, medicinal and engineering fields of study. This organization serves both an educational and social function, offering students with different educational backgrounds the opportunity to engage, discuss and develop new ideas and thoughts about the field of Nanotechnology.