Srinivas Nagaraj Bharadwaj, PHDAssistant Professor, Internal Medicine
Paula Bickford, PHDProfessor, Center for Aging & Neuroscience
Manas R. Biswal, M.F.Sc., Ph.D.Assistant Professor, COP Graduate Programs
Robert Deschenes, Ph.D.Professor & Chair, Molecular Medicine
Eleni Markoutsa, PhDAssistant Professor
Shyam Mohapatra, PHD, MBADirector, CREN
Professor, Internal Medicine -
Subhra Mohapatra, PHDProfessor, Molecular Medicine
Yashwant Pathak, PhD MPharmAssociate Dean, Faculty Affairs, College of Pharmacy
Paul R. Sanberg, PhDProfessor & Director, Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair
Juan Sanchez-Ramos, MD, PHDProfessor, Neurology, Molecular Pharmacology & Physical Therapy
Vijaykumar Sutariya, M.Pharm, Ph.D., R.Ph.Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences
Michael N. Teng, PhDAssociate Professor, Internal Medicine
Alison Willing, PhDProfessor, Neurosurgery
Ashok Kumar, PhDProfessor, COE Department of Mechanical Engineering
Aydin K. Sunol, PhDProfessor of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering
Edward Turos, PhDProfessor of Chemistry, College of Arts & Sciences
My Lien Dao, PhDAssociate Professor, Cell Biology, Microbiology and Molecular Biology
Susana Lai Yuen, PhDAssociate Professor, Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering
Academic Advisory Board
Michael FountainDirector, College of Business
Paul R. Sanberg, PhDVice Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery and Brain Repair
Kevin Sneed, PharmDDean, Taneja College of Pharmacy