Laboratory measures of virus infections in neuropsychiatric disease.
HIV-1 replication and evolution.
miRNA, siRNA, and vectors in Biology and Medicine.
Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine.
Transmission models and inactivation of HIV-1.
Recent Publications
Paul Shapshak Neutrino Intergalactic Communication, Metal Life, Viruses. Part 1Bioinmformation. 17(2) , 2021.
Paul Shapshak Problems in neutrinos and inter-galactic communicationBulletin of the American Astronomy Association. 51(7) , 2019.
Quach A Horvath S Nemanim N Vatakis D Witt MD Miller EN Detels R Langfelder P Shapshak P Singer EJ Levine AJ. No reliable gene expression biomarkers of current or impending neurocognitive impairment in peripheral blood monocytes of persons living with HIVJournal of NeuroVirology. 24: 350-361, 2018.
Shapshak P. Artificial intelligence and brainBioinformation. 14(1) : 38-41, 2018.
Shapshak P, Somboonwit C, Cao S, Sinnott JT. Cholera host response gene networks: preliminary studiesBioinformation. 13(10) : 347-351, 2017.
Fernendez F, Minagar A, Alekseeva N, Shapshak P. Neuropsychiatric aspects of prion diseaseIn Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry (eds. BJ Sadock, VA Sadock, and P Ruiz) (Kluwer and Lippincott Publ). : 601-618, 2017.
Somboonwit C, Montero JA, Sinnott JT, Shapshak P. Antiretrovifal Therapy - Brain PenetrationIn Global Virology II - HIV and NeuroAIDS (eds P Shapshak, AJ Levine, C Somboonwit, BT Foley, E Singer, F Chiappelli, JT Sinnott) (Springer Publ. NY,NY). , 2017.
Bengoa AJ, McCoy CB, Foley BT, Khikha P, Mendez AJ, P Shapshak . Zika Virus and HIV/AIDSIn Global Virology II - HIV and NeuroAIDS (eds. P Shapshak, AJ Levine, C Somboonwit, BT Foley, E Singer, F Chiappelli, JT Sinnott) ( Springer Publ. NY, NY). , 2017.
Balaji S, Akash R, Krittika N, Shapshak P. Sequence Accuracy in Primary DatabasesIn Global Virology II - HIV and NeuroAIDS (eds. P Shapshak, AJ Levine, C Somboonwit, BT Foley, E Singer, F Chiappelli, JT Sinnotte)(Springer Publ. NY,NY). , 2017.
Balaji S, Akash R, Krittika N, Shapshak P. Sequence accuracy in Primary Databases: a case study on HIV-1BIn Global Virology II - HIV and NeuroAids (eds P Shapshak, AJ Levine, C Somboonwit, BT Foley, E Singer, F Chiappelli, JT Sinnott) (Springer Publ. NY,NY). , 2017.
Sneha P, Balaji S, Shapshak . Amyloidogenic pattern prediction of HIV-1 proteinsIn Global Virology II - HIV and NeuroAIDS (eds. P Shaphsak, AJ Levine, C Somboonwit, BT Foley, E Singer, F Chiappelli, JT Sinnott) ( Springer Publ. NY, NY). , 2017.
Rodriguez HE, Lakshmi S, Somboonwit C, Oxner A, Guerra L, Addisu A, Gutierrez L, Sinnott JT, Nilofer C, Kangueane P, Shapshak P. Gene Therapy Blueprints for NeuroAIDSIn Global Virology II - HIV and NeuroAIDS (eds. P Shapshak, AJ Levine, C Somboonwit, BT Foley, E Singer, F Chiappelli, Sinnott JT) (Springer Publ. NY, NY). , 2017.
148, Paul Shapshak Charurut Somboonwit John T, Sinnot. Artificial Intelligence and Virology - quo vadisBioinformation. 13(12) : 410-411, 2017.
Shapshak P, Foley BT, Balaji S, Segal DM, McCoy C, Page JB. Socioepidemiology of Injection Drug Users in Miami and HIV-1B Envelope (V1-V5) Genetic Diversity: A Preliminary Studyin Global Virology II - HIV and NeuroAIDS (eds. P Shapshak, AJ Levine, C Somboonwit, BT Foley, E Singer, F Chiappelli, JT Sinnott) (Springer Publ. NY, NY). , 2017.
Elkomy FF, Levine AJ, Singer E, Somboonwit C, Wills T, Tash K, Sinnot JT, Alrabaa S, Addisu A, Rodriguez H, Chiappelli F, Kazic T, Shapshak P. Neuronal Apoptotic Pathways in HIV Associated Dementia, Alzheimer''s Disease, Parkinson''s Disease and Huntington''s DiseaseIn Global Virology II - HIV and NeuroAIDS (eds. P Shapshak, AJ Levine, C Somboonwit, BT Fole, E Singer, F Chiappeli, JT Sinnott (Springer Publ, NY, NY). , 2017.
Somboonwit C, Sinnott JT, Shapshak P. Emerging Human Infection or False Alarmin Global Virology I - Identifying and Investigating Viral Disease (eds. P Shapshak, C Somboonwit, J Kuhn, and JT Sinnott). : 561-570, 2015.
Balaji S, Sneha P, Rama M, Shapshak P. Global protein sequence variation in HIV-1B isolates derived from human blood and brainIn Global Virology I - Identifying and Investigating Viral Disease (eds. P Shapshak, C Somboonwit, J Kuhn, and JT Sinnott). : 613-662, 2015.
Shapshak P, Somboonwit C, Foley BT, Alrabaa SF, Wills T, and Sinnott JT. Zika VirusIn Global Virology I - Identifying and Investigating Viral Disease (eds. P Shapshak, C Somboonwit, J Kuhn, and JT Sinnott). : 477-496, 2015.
Fernandez F, Minagar A, Alekseeva N, and Shapshak P. Neuropsychiatric aspects of prion diseasein Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry (eds. BJ Sadock, VA Sadock, and P Ruiz). , 2015.
Alrabaa SF, Somboonwit C, and Shapshak . West Nile VirusIn Global Virology I - Identifying and Investigating Viral Disease (eds. P. Shapshak, C. Somboonwit, J. Kuhn, and JT Sinnott). : 457-475, 2015.
Shapshak P. Bioinformation editorial erratum.Bioinformation. 9(3) : 168, 2013.
Shapshak P. Molecule of the month: miRNA and proteins in Alzheimer''s disease.Bioinformation. 9(5) : 222-3, 2013.
Shapshak P. Molecule of the month: miRNA and proteins DARPP-32, DRD1, SLC6A3, and CK2.Bioinformation. 9(6) : 274-5, 2013.
Shapshak P. Molecule of the month: miRNA and Parkinson''s disease protein PARK2.Bioinformation. 9(8) : 381-2, 2013.
Somboonwit C, Menezes LJ, Holt DA, Sinnott JT, Shapshak P. Current views and challenges on clinical choleraBioinformation. 13(12) : 405-409, 2017.
Shapshak P, Somboonwit C, Sinnott JT. Artificial intelligence and virology - quo vadisBioinformation. 13(12) : 410-411, 2017.
Shapshak P. Molecule of the month: miRNA and Huntington''s disease (HD).Bioinformation. 9(11) : 549-50, 2013.
Shapshak P. Molecule of the month: miRNA and Human Prion brain disease.Bioinformation. 9(13) : 659-60, 2013.
Shapshak P. Molecule of the month: miRNA and Down''s syndrome.Bioinformation. 9(15) : 752-4, 2013.
Levine AJ, Horvath S, Miller EN, Singer EJ, Shapshak P, Baldwin GC, Martínez-Maza O, Witt MD, Langfelder P. Transcriptome analysis of HIV-infected peripheral blood monocytes: gene transcripts and networks associated with neurocognitive functioning.Journal of neuroimmunology. 265(1-2) : 96-105, 2013.
Shapshak P. Molecule of the month: miRNA and Multiple Sclerosis.Bioinformation. 9(17) : 847-8, 2013.
Levine AJ, Miller JA, Shapshak P, Gelman B, Singer EJ, Hinkin CH, Commins D, Morgello S, Grant I, Horvath S. Systems analysis of human brain gene expression: mechanisms for HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment and common pathways with Alzheimer''s disease.BMC medical genomics. 6: 4, 2013.
Shapshak P. Molecule of the month: miRNA and HIV-1 TAR.Bioinformation. 9(2) : 65-6, 2013.
Shapshak P. Bioinformation and molecule of the month: Multiple interactive pathways for a single gene, NFkB.Bioinformation. 8(9) : 399-402, 2012.
Shapshak P. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for genome wide association studies (GWAS) and molecule of the month Nitric Oxide Synthase, multiple interactive pathways for three similar genes, Nitric Oxide Synthase-1, -2, -3 (NOS-1, -2, -3).Bioinformation. 8(11) : 496-7, 2012.
Shapshak P. Dementia and molecule of the month APP.Bioinformation. 8(14) : 644-5, 2012.
Shapshak P. Molecule of the month, PDE4DIP.Bioinformation. 8(16) : 740-1, 2012.
Shapshak P. NRF2 molecule of the month.Bioinformation. 8(18) : 846-7, 2012.
Levine AJ, Sinsheimer JS, Bilder R, Shapshak P, Singer EJ. Functional polymorphisms in dopamine-related genes: effect on neurocognitive functioning in HIV+ adults.Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 34(1) : 78-91, 2012.
Shapshak P. Molecule of the month HIV-1 Tat and miRNA.Bioinformation. 8(23) : 1123-4, 2012.
Shapshak P. Molecule of the month: HIV-1 protein Vpr and miRNA.Bioinformation. 8(25) : 1243-4, 2012.
Chiang MC, Barysheva M, McMahon KL, de Zubicaray GI, Johnson K, Montgomery GW, Martin NG, Toga AW, Wright MJ, Shapshak P, Thompson PM. Gene network effects on brain microstructure and intellectual performance identified in 472 twins.The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 32(25) : 8732-45, 2012.
Levine AJ, Service S, Miller EN, Reynolds SM, Singer EJ, Shapshak P, Martin EM, Sacktor N, Becker JT, Jacobson LP, Thompson P, Freimer N. Genome-wide association study of neurocognitive impairment and dementia in HIV-infected adults.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics. 159B(6) : 669-83, 2012.
Shapshak P. Molecule of the month: Synaptic plasticity - Protein miRNA interactions.Bioinformation. 8(21) : 1003-4, 2012.