The following outlines the strategic plan goals and objectives the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine research mission.
Increase basic, translational, and clinical research in the neurosciences.
- Increase research in Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias (ADRD). While basic research in ADRD has markedly increased, clinical research is dependent on one individual and has not expanded. As a result, translational research is intermittent. This has impeded our progress towards submission of center grants. Thus, we plan to recruit additional ADRD clinical investigators.
- Increase basic research in areas where MCOM has significant clinical strengths, to build strong programs for research, including translational components in Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Movement Disorders, and Stroke. This will also position us to submit competitive center grants.
Increase basic, translational, and clinical research in the areas of heart, vascular, and pulmonary diseases.
- Increase high-impact research in heart failure and/or the molecular basis of myocardial dysfunction.
- Increase high-impact research in regenerative medicine. These individuals would have expertise that is applicable across a broad spectrum of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.
- Increase high-impact research in drug development and delivery relevant to cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.
- Increase high-impact research in molecular imaging, applicable to a wide range of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.
Increase high impact research related too basic, translational, and clinical components: virology, tropical and third world infectious diseases, the microbiome, drug resistance, and immunology.
- Increase high-impact research in virology.
- Increase high-impact research related to human or animal microbiomes as they relate to disease.
- Increase high-impact research in tropical diseases.
- Increase high-impact research in antibiotic/antiviral resistance.
Increase functional Core offerings at USF Health by multiple mechanisms including a fully revamped relationship with Moffitt Cancer Center (MCC).
- Acquisition of on-campus Cryogenic Electron Microscopy (EM) capacity and other structural biology instrumentation (potentially with Moffitt Cancer Center [MCC]).
- Update existing instrumentation.
- Establish a new and competitive fee structure (including MCC).
Expand USF Health MCOM research in clinical trials across the spectrum of diseases and disciplines relevant to human health.
- Increase outpatient clinical trial revenue by 100% over 5 years to ~$30M.
- Increase inpatient clinical trial revenue by 300% over 5 years to ~$10M.
- Integrate and foster relationships with USF Health and TGH (the new joint office of clinical research) and USF Health and MCC (a yet to be defined organizational structure).
- Increase trial activity in under-performing departments and divisions.
- Open a Phase 1 clinical trial unit.
Obtain open faculty positions on the tenure-earning pathway (departmentally based) to attract highly funded or promising faculty with additional large grants, or be PIs on existing or renewing grants, or to be mentored to achieve such.
- Develop a plan to open new positions for tenured or tenure-earning faculty will require return of indirect costs as occurs in all other US research-intensive allopathic medical schools.
- Increase collaboration across MCOM.
Obtain funding from gifts and legislative mandates for the research enterprise at MCOM to succeed and prosper.
- Increase unencumbered indirect/F&A cost returns from ORI to MCOM. The current status does not adequately support the research infrastructure required for a top-tiered medical school research program.
- Increase endowments for named Chairs and recurrent operational funds.
- Research-based gifts for equipment.
- Capitalize on new construction for naming rights such as the HI Cores and 8th and 9th floors buildout.
- Devise mechanism for recurring, targeted, legislative support such as what is found from UF, and, reinstate preeminence funding.