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Federal Effort Reporting Process (PERT)

Federal Effort Reporting is completed in the GEMS system three (3) times annually for the summer, fall, and spring terms.

  • Personnel Effort Reporting Tool (PERT) is the University’s federal effort and committed cost share reporting system. Compliance with federally established Office of Management and Budget, OMB Circular A-21, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions requires educational institutions to maintain an accurate system for reporting the percentage of time that employees devote to federally funded projects (Effort).

  • The certification of effort reports in PERT assures Federal agencies and sponsors providing Federal funding that monies paid to the University for the salaries and wages of individuals working on sponsored projects have been appropriately expended. It provides the principal means for certifying that these sponsor funded salaries and wages, the largest component of expenses charged to sponsored projects, are consistent with the effort contributed. It is critical that everyone involved in the certification of effort understand that severe civil and criminal penalties and cost disallowances can result from inaccurate, incomplete, or untimely reporting.


  • Effort is the work or proportion of time spent on any activity and expressed as a percentage of total time. While total effort of 100% must be reported, this does not equate to any set number of hours, e.g., 40 or 50 hours per week. GEMS uses standard hours of 40 to indicate 100% FTE, 30 hours as 75% FTE, etc. This does not mean that 1.0 FTE exempt employees, including faculty, work only 40 hours per week.

    • Committed Cost Share is any project cost not borne by the sponsor (regardless of funding source) and committed by USF for the performance of an externally funded project. Such commitments must be explicitly stated in the project budget, described in the proposal narrative, or included within the sponsor's guidelines as a commitment.
    • USF System Cost Sharing Policy (
    • Federal Effort Reports can be reviewed and certified in the GEMS system three (3) times annually for the summer, fall, and spring terms. If the report is not accurate then the report should not be certified and the departmental PERT representative or administrator should be notified immediately. 
    • Administrator Review –  Login to the USF portal at MyUSF then select:
      Business Systems > GEMS > Effort Report System > Use > Admin Effort Review
    • Faculty Certification – Login to the USF portal at MyUSF then select:
      Business Systems > GEMS > Effort Report System > Certify > Effort

The MCOM Business Office

  • Creates a master list each semester of all PERT reports for MCOM, College of Pharmacy, and the HSC Library for tracking purposes
  • Takes a random sample of reports and verifies the required data is populated
  • Provides instructions and releases reports to the departments for review, adjustment, and certification.
  • Sets due dates for the certification of the MCOM and COP PERT reports
  • Assists all departments with problems, concerns, instruction, and certifications
  • Sends reminder notifications that increase in frequency as the due date draws closer
  • Works with RFM and other areas of the university to resolve any technical issues that are identified
  • Reports noncompliance to RFM and MCOM leadership and works with departments to comply

MCOM Business Office Contact

Daniel Woolbright
Fiscal & Business Analyst
Phone: (813) 974-3385