Transcript Legend
Grading Key for All Programs
H Honors
PC Pass with Commendations
P Pass
F Fail
R Remediation Required
A Excellent
B Good
C Average
S Satisfactory
U Unsatisfactory
FRB Failure, Remediated to a B
FRC Failure, Remediated to a C
Other Grades and Symbols
(not all are currently in use)
I Incomplete
W Withdrawal without Penalty
WP Withdrawal Passing
WF Withdrawal Failing
TC Transfer Credit
CPX Clinical Performance
CCPX Comprehensive Clinical
Evaluation Encounter
** Graduation Requirement/Independent Study Completed
Prior to the 2000-2001 academic year, contact hours were maintained in a legacy system and were not transferred to the currently used system.
*Beginning with the class of 1999 the College of Medicine instituted a policy that MD students pass USMLE Step 1 and 2 as a graduation requirement.
Educational Programs & Grading System
(Medicine, Physical Therapy, and Physician Assistant)
DPT Program
Accreditation: CAPTE2005 to Present
H, PC, P, F, S, UMD Program
Accreditation: LCME1971 to 1983
H, P, F, R (Course Repeated)1984 to 2010
H, PC, P, F2011 to 2012
Year I - S, U
Year II - H, PC, P, F
Year III - H, P, F,
Year IV - H, PC, P, F2012 to 2014
Year I - S, U
Year II - S, U
Year III - H, P, F
Year IV - H, P, F2015 to 2016
Year I - H, PC, P, F
Year II - S, U
Year III - H, PC, P, F, R (Remediation Required)
Year IV - H, P, F2017 to 2018
Year I - H, PC, P, F, R
Year II - H, PC, P, F, R
Year III - H, PC, P, F, R
Year IV - H, P, F2018 to present
H, PC, P, F, R, S, U
MPAS Program
Accreditation: ARC-PA2017 to present
A, B, C, F, S, U -
Educational Programs & Grading System
PharmD Program
Accreditation: ACPE2010 to present
A, B, C, F
FRC*This transcript legend may be periodically updated. Please visit this page for the latest transcript legend.