NA, Grant Writing, University of Missouri - Columbia, 2006
NA, Faculty Development, UNC Chapel Hill, 2003
MD, University of South Florida, 1996
Research Interests
Heat Illness in Athletes
Sudden Cardiac Death in Athletes
Cardiac Screening in Athletes
Concussion in Athletes
Stress fractures in athletes
Dehydration in Athletes
MRSA in Athletes
Recent Publications
Coris EE, Sahebzamani F, Walz S, Ramirez AM. Automated external defibrillators in National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Athletics.The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 32(3) : 744-54, 2004.
Moran B, Bryan S, Farrar T, Salud C, Visser G, Decuba R, Renelus D, Buckley T, Dressing M, Peterkin N, Coris E. Diagnostic Evaluation of Nontraumatic Chest Pain in Athletes.Current sports medicine reports. 16(2) : 84-94, 2016.
Coris EE, Moran BK, De Cuba R, Farrar T, Curtis AB. Left Ventricular Non-Compaction in Athletes: To Play or Not to Play.Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.). 46(9) : 1249-59, 2016.
Moran B, Tadikonda P, Sneed KB, Hummel M, Guiteau S, Coris EE. Postconcussive Syndrome Following Sports-related Concussion: A Treatment Overview for Primary Care Physicians.Southern Medical Journal. 108(9) : 553-8, 2015.
Deren TM, Coris EE, Casa DJ, DeMartini JK, Bain AR, Walz SM, Jay O. Maximum heat loss potential is lower in football linemen during an NCAA summer training camp because of lower self-generated air flow.Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association. 28(6) : 1656-63, 2014.
Coris EE, Sahebzamani F, Curtis A, Jennings J, Walz SM, Nugent D, Reese E, Zwygart KK, Konin JG, Pescasio M, Drezner JA. Preparticipation cardiovascular screening among National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I institutions.British Journal of Sports Medicine. 47(3) : 182-4, 2013.
Lopez JJ, Coris EE. Cutaneous myiasis masquerading as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine : Official journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine. 23(5) : 397-9, 2013.
Deren TM, Coris EE, Bain AR, Walz SM, Jay O. Sweating is greater in NCAA football linemen independently of heat production.Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 44(2) : 244-52, 2012.
DeMartini JK, Martschinske JL, Casa DJ, Lopez RM, Ganio MS, Walz SM, Coris EE. Physical demands of National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I football players during preseason training in the heat.Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association. 25(11) : 2935-43, 2011.
Coris EE, Pescasio M, Zwygart K, Gonzalez E, Farrar T, Bryan S, Konin J, McElroy T. Office-based ultrasound in sports medicine practice.Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine : Official Journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine. 21(1) : 57-61, 2011.
Coris EE, Mehra S, Walz SM, Duncanson R, Jennings J, Nugent D, Zwygart K, Pescasio M. Gastrointestinal temperature trends in football linemen during physical exertion under heat stress.Southern Medical Journal. 102(6) : 569-74, 2009.
Coris EE, Zwygart K, Fletcher M, Pescasio M. Imaging in sports medicine: an overview.Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review. 17(1) : 2-12, 2009.
Coris EE, Walz S, Konin J, Pescasio M. Return to activity considerations in a football player predisposed to exertional heat illness: a case study.Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 16(3) : 260-70, 2007.
Coris EE, Walz SM, Duncanson R, Ramirez AM, Roetzheim RG. Heat illness symptom index (HISI): a novel instrument for the assessment of heat illness in athletes.Southern Medical Journal. 99(4) : 340-5, 2006.
Coris EE, Miller E, Sahebzamani F. Sudden cardiac death in division I collegiate athletics: analysis of automated external defibrillator utilization in National Collegiate Athletic Association division I athletic programs.Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine : Official Journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine. 15(2) : 87-91, 2005.
Coris EE, Higgins HW. First rib stress fractures in throwing athletes.The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 33(9) : 1400-4, 2005.
Coris EE, Ramirez AM, Van Durme DJ. Heat illness in athletes: the dangerous combination of heat, humidity and exercise.Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.). 34(1) : 9-16, 2004.