Ophthalmology Faculty
Our Faculty
Jorge Agi, M.D.Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology Ocular Oncology, Orbital Ocuplastic Surgery
Julia Farah Agi, M.D.Assistant Professor
Ramesh Ayyala, MD, FRCS, FRCOphthDepartment Chair Glaucoma Fellowship Program Director Professor of Glaucoma, Cataract and Refractive Disease, Comprehensive Ophthalmology, and Cornea and External Diseases
Yuqiang Bai, Ph.DAssistant Professor
Syeda Sumara Taranum Basith, MDAssistant Professor of Pediatric/Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Swetangi D. Bhaleeya, MDSurgical Retina Fellowship Program Director and Associate Professor of Vitreoretinal Disease Uveitis
Mitchell Drucker, MDProfessor of Neuro-Ophthalmology, Neurology, and Neurosurgery
Yiqin Du, PhDProfessor
Edgar Espana, MDDirector, Department Research
Associate Director, Residency Program
Professor, Comprehensive/Cataract Cornea External Disease -
Amir Faramarzi, M.D.Associate Professor
Lewis Groden, MDEmeritus Professor
John Jarstad, M.D.Professor, Residency Program Director, Cataract Specialist and Refractive Surgeon
Curtis Margo, MDProfessor, Director of Ocular Pathology Services
Christopher PassagliaAdjunct Professor
Mamta Patel, MDAssistant Professor of Vitreoretinal Disease and Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Peter PavanEmeritus Professor
Ramak Roohipourmoallai, MDAssociate Professor of Vitreoretinal Disease, Pediatric Retina, and Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Suzanne Sherman, ODAssociate Professor of Optometry, Ophthalmology
Radouil Tzekov, Ph.D.,FARVOProfessor, Courtesy Faculty, Medical Engineering, Honorary Scientist IIl
Richard WeisenbergerAssistant Professor
Affiliate Faculty
Steven Cohen, MDProfessor, Retina Vitreous Didactics
James A Haley VA Hospital Faculty
Charles Slonim, MDCharles Slonim, MDChief of Ophthalmology & Attending Physician, Oculoplastics Service
Hormuz Wadia, MDHormuz Wadia, MDSite Director & Attending Physician, Cornea Service
Carla Bourne, MDCarla Bourne, MDAttending Physician, Glaucoma Service
Mark Hankins, MDMark Hankins, MDAttending Physician, Glaucoma Service
Anh Bui, MDAnh Bui, MDAttending Physician, Retina Vitreous Service
Jennifer Tordilla-Wadia, MDJennifer Tordilla-Wadia, MDAttending Physician, Retina Vitreous Service
William McDowell, MDWilliam McDowell, MDAttending Physician, Surgery Service
Jacqueline Scott, MDJacqueline Scott, MDAttending Physician, Surgery Service
Mary Mercer, MDMary Mercer, MDAttending Physician, Surgery Service
Gretta Fridman, MDGretta Fridman, MDAttending Physician, Glaucoma Service
Lisa Gamell, MDLisa Gamell, MDAttending Physician, Glaucoma Service
Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital Faculty
Bruce Hess, MDBruce Hess, MDAttending Physician, Pediatrics Service
Derek Hess, MDDerek Hess, MDSite Director & Attending Physician, Pediatrics Service
Joshua Elliott, MDJoshua Elliott, MDAttending Physician, Pediatrics & Strabismus Service
Michael Lopez, MDMichael Lopez, MDAttending Physician, Pediatrics & Strabismus Service