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Alumni Awards Nomination Program

Award(s) and Categories:

Generally, one award will be presented each year, however additional awards may be presented in some circumstances.

Honoring significant contributions in one or more of the following areas:


Honors a USF PA alumnus whose contributions to the Physician Assistant profession are of exceptional quality. Qualifying contributions can pertain to service to association components, through work on appointed or elected positions and/or in other capacities at the association and component levels.


Acknowledges an outstanding educator who is establishing a career as an academician and has demonstrated excellence in teaching as exemplified by their career.


Alum who has demonstrated exceptional leadership and/or administrative duties in their career, professional organization, or community.


Alumnus who has engaged in independent or collaborative research efforts pertaining to the field of medicine. Qualifying nominees may work in any aspect of each profession including, but not limited to, research, education, clinical practice, and consultation.

Clinical Practice 

Alumnus who has excelled in clinical practice and strives to use evidence based clinical practices. They are responsible, self-directed, capable, and caring in their clinical practice and strive to deliver patient centered care throughout the lifespan. Recipient of this award embodies and demonstrates a commitment to developing physical therapy or athletic training as caring professions. 


  • Nomination may be made by anyone – self, alumnus, faculty, staff, student, family, or community member.
  • Nominee must be a graduate of the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine Physician Assistant Program.
  • All documentation must be submitted by the appropriate deadline.
  • Required documentation includes:
    • Nomination form.
    • CV, resume, or bio-sketch of the nominee, a maximum of five pages.
    • One nomination letter from the nominator, addressing the nominee’s impact; maximum of two pages.
    • One letter of support from anyone familiar with the nominee’s contributions, other than the nomination letter; a maximum of two pages in length.

Nomination Process:

  • The person making the nomination submits the form, letter, and other documentation to the USF PA Program general email address
  • Documents will be saved to the Alumni Awards Folder in Box: PA Program-Main Program/Alumni/Alumni Awards.
  • For the inaugural year, all documents are due March 31, 2024.
  • Administrative Staff will sort documents into folders and make sure that all documents have been received and are complete.
  • Scoring Sheet will be set up and sent to the selection committee.
  • Scoring Sheets must be completed by April 8, 2024 (Year One).
  • Top scorers will be identified and submitted to the program director for approval.
  • Award winner(s) will be notified.

Selection Committee:

Originally, the selection committee will be made up of principal faculty within the USF Health Physician Assistant Program who volunteer to participate. This may change in subsequent years.

Presentation of the Award(s):

Award winners will be told ahead of time and invited to the Graduation Luncheon, held each Spring. They will be announced and receive their award at the event. They will also be invited to be the Keynote speaker for the next Commitment to the Profession ceremony that Fall.