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In 1999, the University of South Florida’s (USF) Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics (College of Public Health), and the Division of Infectious Disease & International Medicine (Morsani College of Medicine) began a joint effort to establish educational programs in India for public health training, clinical care, and medical research.

India is the second most populous country in the world and faces daunting public health challenges. Infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis are decreasing but many people still get infected and there is great concern about drug resistant tuberculosis. Non-communicable diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancers are also major problems.

Eknath Nail, MD, PhD, MSPH, FACP

Directors Message

Mahatma Gandhi, once said, “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.”

Welcome to the USF-India Center for Health, HIV/AIDS Research and Training (CHART-India). The primary objective of this center is to provide quality education and training in the field of public health and clinical medicine in India. We have collaborations with both public and private institutions in India, mainly in the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Goa. We have trained several CHART Fellows both in India and in USA.

This center was conceptualized in 2000 with gracious grant support from the philanthropist and cardiologist, Dr. Kiran Patel. Over the years CHART conducted several training programs and continued to build relationships with Indian partners and ultimately acquired a National Institute of Health (NIH) Fogarty grant for adolescent HIV training in Gujarat, India from 2007-2014. We were also successful in receiving funding from local institutions at various times for training programs in India.

CHART-INDIA continues to march into the future with a desire to build the capacity of our Indian colleagues practicing the principles of universal brotherhood, friendship and equality. We at CHART-INDIA believe health is the birth right of every citizen in this global village.

Eknath Naik, MD, PhD, MSPH, FACP
