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Center for Research & Education in Nanobioengineering

USF Center for Research and Education in Nanobioengineering

Eleni Markoutsa, PhD

Eleni Markoutsa, PhD

Adjunct USF Health, TCOP Dept of Pharmaceutical Science

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  • PhD, Pharmacy, University of Patras, 2015

Research Interests

  • My work aims to develop novel nanotherapeutics to target the mechanisms that contribute to neurodegenerative disorders' onset and development. Immune activation in the CNS is a key factor driving the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. Inflammation is considered a double-edged sword with both favorable and unfavorable consequences. When inflammation spikes for a prolonged time, the immune system works hard on sending messages that prolong the process known as chronic inflammation. It is believed that chronic brain inflammation is the cause of many neurodegenerative diseases. Aging leads to chronic but low-grade inflammation in the brain resulting in cognitive impairments and memory loss in aged individuals. My goal is to develop novel nanotherapeutics to control chronic brain inflammation and prevent neurodegeneration.