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DTM plans to create a new academic venue for students, residents and fellows and postdoctoral fellows to learn about how to translate basic research into clinical benefits. The NRC will establish a ten-week summer program for students to get hands-on experiencein the Clinical and Translational Medicine by completing a summer research project. In addition, a year round seminar program will be conducted by the NRC that will bring together translational researchers at the USF together.

Master’s Program in Translational Medicine

The program aims to provide all of the elements necessary to be competent and successful as a translational investigator to conduct investigator-initiated clinical and translational research through a curriculum that can be completed through a combination of course work (online and class room) and research thesis in the areas of biomedical (basic and clinical), epidemiologic, behavioral and outcomes or health services research. The two year program will include essential skills for clinical research both a didactic, course-based curriculum and an individualized-mentored clinical and/or translational research leading to a master’s degree.